,2023年4月17日—TEDTalkshaveahugefollowing,withtopvideoshavingrakedinmillionsofviewseach.Thefollowingcharttakesalookatthetop8most ...,TEDxeventsunleashfreshideasfromlocalcommunities.Closeto50000talkshavebeengivenat10000eventssincetheprogramlaunche...。參考影片的文章的如下:



2023年4月17日 — TED Talks have a huge following, with top videos having raked in millions of views each. The following chart takes a look at the top 8 most ...

The 10 most popular TEDx talks

TEDx events unleash fresh ideas from local communities. Close to 50000 talks have been given at 10000 events since the program launched in 2009.

The most popular TED Talks of 2022

What ideas intrigued and inspired the world this year? These TED Talks spread the quickest in 2022.

The most popular TED Talks of 2023

From AI and the future of learning to a mysterious, millennia-old pattern and a radical way to repair your relationships, these TED Talks took off the quickest ...

The most popular TED Talks of all time

The most popular TED Talks of all time. Are schools killing creativity? What makes a great leader? How can I find happiness? These 25 talks are the ones ...


Topics. Browse TED topics from A to Z. A. Skip to letter B. Activism. Addiction. Africa. Aging. Agriculture. AI. AIDS. Algorithm. Aliens. Alzheimer's.


,2023年4月17日—TEDTalkshaveahugefollowing,withtopvideoshavingrakedinmillionsofviewseach.Thefollowingcharttakesalookatthetop8most ...,TEDxeventsunleashfreshideasfromlocalcommunities.Closeto50000talkshavebeengivenat10000eventssincetheprogramlaunchedin2009.,Whatideasintriguedandinspiredtheworldthisyear?TheseTEDTalksspreadthequickestin2022.,FromAIandthefutureoflearningtoamysterious,millennia-oldpa...